Sand dunes are fascinating because they never stay the same. They are a metaphor for life, constantly shifting. They can be enjoyed in both a pictoral and a philosophical sense. I hope you enjoy these pictures.


Loading Preview...Mud and Sand desktop -- Dried mud in a valley between sand dunes. A personal Favorite.

Breaking Dunes -- After a night of rain and a morning of sun, an interesting "crust" formed on these sand dunes. When the crust was "broken" from above, interesting patterns formed. Photo by Greg Arehart.

Loading Preview...Tasmanian Dunes -- Grass growing amongst the dunes in a bay on the island of Tasmania. You may remember Tasmania from cartoons, in which a character was the Tasmanian devil. Tasmanian devils are real animals! If you would like more info,  write me.

Loading Preview...Blue Dunes -- Sand dunes and mountains in death valley, turned ominously blue...

Loading Preview...Sponged Dunes -- The same dunes, sponged...